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Check out pictures from past ONE:27 Projects!

What is Project ONE:27?
How does it work?
Why go to ONE:27?

James 1:27 is the Bible verse that ONE:27 is founded on, and it is seen as the mission statement for this organization. The goal of Project ONE:27 is to partner with local churches and seek to meet the physical needs of community members while reaching their spiritual needs.



"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultess is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27


Project ONE:27 is a week long mission trip that allows students and adults the opportunity to come and serve a community, meet new friends, and learn new skills.


Participants could spend the week building wheelchair ramps, roofing, painting, and other construction tasks, while under the supervision of experienced adults.


After spending the day on the project site, participants come in, clean up, and get to spend each night in a worship service and Bible study.This experience allows participants to serve a community and also grow in their own spiritual walk.

Why give a week of your summer to spend all day working in the hot sun? Why sleep on an air mattress after a long day's work? Why spend all day with people you just met?




What better way to serve others, seek opportunities to share Christ's love, and grow in your personal walk with Jesus? It is hard work. It is late nights and early mornings....BUT....


You will LEARN so much. Not only will you walk away with new construction skills, you will also learn some things about yourself, and how God can use you to help others.


You will have SO MUCH FUN. You will walk away with so many memories, and probably a good story or two. You will be surprised at how not awkward it is to wait in line for a shower and share stories about your day. Everything seems to be funnier late at night after a hard day's work.


You will be HUMBLED to see how others live, and what they often do without. This experience can make you appreciate what you have in life, and help you understand that the things you can take for granted are often the things that others wish for the most. What a beautiful experience it is to get to give something to someone they desperately need, and to know that you got to be a part of it.


It is LIFE-CHANGING. After a week's worth of work, working hard, meeting new friends, helping can you not walk away with a different heart attitude? It can stretch you in ways you didn't imagine, and you might do things you never thought you could do, but it is an experience you will take with you forever

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